Notice: The 2022-23 Division C Brown Science Olympiad Invitational was held on February 11th, 2023 in Providence, Rhode Island. Thank you to all teams that participated! This page is up as a reference for future teams and coaches that need to reference past registration details. Click here for this year’s timeline:


Registration Details

  • The application opens for all teams on September 30th and closes on October 7th.

  • Note that teams’ spots are not confirmed until the registration process is completed, with payment being due on November 7th. Teams that do not pay the committed fees by this deadline forfeit their spot, which will be offered to the next eligible team(s) on the waitlist.

  • Additionally we will be selling shirts this year for competing students (see the below design)! The estimated price per shirt is $18, and you will be able to place an order for your shirts at the time of registration, so please have the quantity of shirts you want ready!

Shirt Design for Brown Science Olympiad 2023, has the name of the organization in block letters.

BSO Shirt Design 2023

Created by our amazing alum Kaitlyn Mi ‘22

Registration Fees

  • Notice: you don’t have to pay at Registration! The info required on the registration form will be mostly contact information.

  • The registration fee for one team for an in-person tournament will be $90. In the emergency of an online tournament payment will be reduced and teams will be notified. If schools register more than one team, each additional team past the first will have a registration fee of $45.

  • If this registration fee is a burden to your team this year, please request a scholarship to waive the fee in your application; scholarship requests will be approved for any fair reason. Teams will not be at a disadvantage in the lottery for requesting a scholarship: please do not let the fee deter your team from applying.

Selection Process

  • During Round 1, schools from Rhode Island will be guaranteed a maximum of two teams each.

  • During Round 2, past competitors will be guaranteed one team each, with teams that have placed in the Top 10 being guaranteed an additional team.

  • During Round 3, new out-of-state schools will be given at one team each on a first-come first-serve basis. The remaining spots will be given away in a lottery to 3rd teams from Rounds 1 & 2 and 2nd teams from Round 3.

Please email with any questions.